The Not So Great Generation

Philip Regenie
4 min readDec 24, 2020


The Greatest Generation

Why was the WWII generation called the Greatest Generation? It was called the Greatest Generation because they volunteered knowing they might die to ensure our freedom. Above is a chart of the deaths by all causes for ages between 1948 and 1952. You can see that the 20 to 39 year olds, those who sacrifice themselves in war, were responsible for 25.6% of the total deaths, ostensibly to ensure America as a free nation under the constitution. How is the generation that followed the Great Generation doing to carry on their history of exemplary service in order to ensure our freedom?

Covid-19 Deaths by Age Group — CDC

In 2020, the Covid Year, 3.88% of all deaths were from those older than 65. In that year, our country was shut down, our middle class decimated, and the largest transfer of wealth in our history was perpetrated upon our population. Of all the deaths due to Covid in the United States in 2020 all other age groups combined accounted for less than 1%. To put these numbers in a different perspective, policies for 15.63% of our population over 65 whose death rate for Covid-19 is 3.88%, have controlled the political, financial, and medical response of our nation over the last year. Compare this to the loss of life during WWII for those between 20 and 39 with a total percent of population deaths at 25.6%.

Below is a list of the heroes over 65 who have sacrificed nothing representing you and your family. They have diligently sacrificed your finances, your freedom, and your nation rather than step forward and sacrifice themselves so that you, your children, and your grandchildren can live in a democratic republic where you are represented equally under the law.

Where, exactly, are the heroes who are over 65 willing to tell you to live your life and forget about them? Where is the heritage of the Great Generation? If you are between the ages of 0 and 55 your chances of dying from Covid-19 are less than slipping on a bar of soap in the shower.

The Not So Great Generation has thrown you to the wolves and the vaccine won’t change the outcome in the least. There are only four actions that will ensure your grandchildren live in a democratic republic with heroes and not zeros:

  1. Live a normal life free from worry about Covid-19 (This means no masks, open your business, shake hands, and live your life)
  2. Recall every sitting senator and only elect someone that promises to fix your ability to be represented NOW!
  3. REFUSE TO PAY YOUR TAXES because your government is not representing you or your family
  4. Find, try, and hang every person who has committed treason exchanging your freedom for money, fame, or power in any capacity including;
  • Bribes to install Dominion machines in any capacity whether for insurance to be re-elected or for money
  • Withheld evidence about treasonous acts towards our government including being psychologically controlled by foreign governments, and taking payouts for position and money from governments who are actively attacking the United States financially, electronically, or physically
  • Committed treasonous acts towards our government including being psychologically controlled by foreign governments and taking payouts for position and money from governments who are actively attacking the United States financially, electronically, or physically
Congress Over 65 — Page 1 of 4
Congress Over 65 — Page 2 of 4
Congress Over 65 — Page 3 of 4
Congress Over 65 — Page 4 of 4



Philip Regenie

I am an IoT+AI entrepreneur protecting the elderly from harm, remediating to avoid catastrophic damage, offering solace until help arrives